Polarized Neutron Calculators

Neutron Larmor Precession Calculator

With the unit on the left,
Please note:

  • For Larmor phase, all the parameters are required.
  • For Velocity, only neutron wavelength is needed
  • For resonant frequency, only the magnetic field is needed.

Polarized 3He Neutron Spin Filter Calculator

Neutron polarization Pn:

Unpolarized neutron transmission T:

Spin up state transmission T+:

Spin down state transmission T-:

Neutron flipping ratio:

Figure-of-merit Qn:

Neutron Spin Echo Time Calculator (DC)

With the unit on the left,

Please note:
  • The calculation is assuming a uniform rectangular field ONLY.

Neutron Spin Echo Length Calculator (for MWP ONLY)

With the unit on the left,

Please note:
  • θ: the angle between the beam and the hypotenuse. 
  • B: for the ORNL magnetic Wollaston prisms (30G/A).
  • L: the distance between the two Wollaston prisms (21cm).
  • λ: 5.48Å for CG-4B.

Neutron Constants

γn: the gyromagnetic ratio

m: the neutron mass

h: the Planck's constant

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